Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dragon Yoga Lady Starts Blogging
 ‘finding the zen in my fiery breath’
Dragons doing Yoga - "Warrior Pose"
My son’s 3rd grade teacher recently said to me, “kids these days don’t really get to build anything anymore.” Before I could agree, she added, “well, I know yours do, of course.” I’ve been thinking a lot about this comment, not as it relates to children or materials that could be used to make leprechaun traps but to me and our world in general. 

What have I built lately?

<big pause while mentally adding and erasing daily activities>
OK then. What should I build? 
More than a few times I have been asked, “where’s your blog?” See - while I help others find their voices as a ghostwriter, my personal publishings have been limited to mainly facebook status updates.
So, I am now building a blog.
I still have some issues with the word, “blog”, however. When blogs first hit, I thought it was funny that a fancy (yet not-so-attractive) moniker was needed for new web content in the form of original web content. Having been online since 1991, I remember when cyberspace was mostly comprised of real people whose posts didn’t need to be edited by teams with styleguides at their fingertips. Thus, I resisted jumping on the blog-bandwagon mainly because I didn’t like the sound of the word, “blog”. But like the name or not, I believe blogs are the current lifeblood of cyberspace. They are the connectors of our technology driven humanity. And now I add more of my voice to the digital consciousness, hopefully for the greater good.
Enter “Dragon Yoga Lady”. 
It’s a new lunar year, and the dragon is the only mythological animal characterized in the Chinese calendar. These not-dainty creatures represent primordial life-forces and their powers are vast if often uncontrolled. Both revered and abhorred across the world, dragons are depicted as fire-spitting, water ruling, and multi-headed beasts. 
I feel like a dragon when semi-lovingly referred to as “my little noisemaker” (hubby) and “our company bulldozer” (Harvard educated corporate attorney). So, I do yoga and other stuff to hopefully find life’s balance. Occasionally, I even try to be dainty. 
My senior High School English teacher wrote in my yearbook, “May life be an orange crate from which you can editorialize.” Dragon Yoga Lady is all about exploring the universe as I experience it. There will be musings on feeding my family, finding my center, photography, land-use, animals, literature, conspiracy theories, movies, and whatever else the wind blows that day. I promise lots of pictures and links to inspiration. I hope to enlighten and/or entertain.
Would you like to join me on this journey? I welcome all comments - just try to be kind because unlike dragons with thick skin and scaly armor, my heart is often exposed. :)

Finding Balance


  • When hubby saw me taking pictures of toy dragons on custom yoga mats, he commented, “Is this some sort of lingering afterthought of your Dungeons & Dragons days?”
  • “Hiccup VERY LUCKY nice, kind Toothless not do a pee-pee on his head!”   -Toothless the dragon in ‘How to Twist a Dragon’s Tale’ by Cressida Cowell (This is the current bedtime story in our household.)
  • There are 5 different kinds of dragons in Chinese Astrology. 2012 is the year of the 'Water Dragon'.
  • Dragons on the Big Screen (and TV, too). I thought Norberta (ala Harry Potter) would be a good name for our bearded dragon, but apparently Beardie is easier to remember and/or pronounce.

1 comment:

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